Episode 4: Phantom Traveler : written by Richard Hatem
MOW : Phantom Traveler…or vengeful ghost?..or demon? Someone on a plane rips open the emergency door (which takes thousands of pounds of pressure) and causes it to crash. EVP on the cockpit voice recorder (what, you don’t watch ghost hunters? ) says “No survivors”.
Scariness factor: Not inherently very scary but some great moments of tension, some fabricated out of how it is shot (looming shape behind Dean on the plane).
Blood: not much
Blood: not much
Sam and Dean whump factor: Dean suffers emotional distress. Oh, yeah, and both of them get tossed around pretty good by the demon…..and turbulence.
Not my favorite episode but it has some cool points, and is definitely important in terms of series development.
Opening: after initial plane crash, shows the boys in a motel. Dean is sleeping, Sam comes in with coffee. We find out Sam is not sleeping much due to nightmares about Jessica’s death, and also “the job, it gets to you”. Dean says you can’t let it get to you. Sam says “you’re never afraid?” and Dean says “no, not really. “ Ironic when we see later how afraid of flying Dean is.
Character development: This episode shows, and challenges, some of Sam’s image of himself and the family.
1. Jerry, a man Dean and his father helped once, calls the boys to Pennsylvania. He tells Sam “Well he (your dad) was real proud of you, I could tell. You know he talked about you all the time.” Dean looks over at Sam like he’s thinking “See! “ as Sam says “he did?”, looking surprised and thoughtful
2. Also – when they tell Jerry that their Dad is tied up in another case, he says “we’re missin’ the old man, but get Sam – even trade, huh!” Sam “Not even close”. (a bit of foreshadowing of how powerful Sam becomes?)
3. Snappy quote: Sam (outside copy center when Dean comes out with new fake ID’s) “Homeland Security? That’s pretty illegal, even for us.”
The brothers’ relationship:
1. When they are questioning one of the survivors, Dean is very direct and at one point Sam gives him a glare when he is being insensitive. Then they fall into what becomes a series regular pattern – Sam handles being sensitive and sympathetic and gets the victim to talk.
2. Dean – is unsure about this job and the two of them being able to handle it. He looks worried. Sam says “What?”. Dean “I don’t know, man. This isn’t our normal gig. I mean – demons! They don’t want anything – just death and destruction for its own sake. I mean, this is big. I wish dad was here.” Sam (quietly) “yeah. Me too.” (more foreshadowing)
3. Sam finds out Dean is afraid of flying! First reaction ? Sam “alright, I’ll go. I’ll do this one on my own.” (how sweet is that! No judgement, just support!). Dean “what, are you nuts? You said it yourself, the plane’s going to crash!” Sam “Dean, we can do this together, or I can do this one by myself – I’m not seeing a third option here!” Dean – “come on! Really!? “ and of course, Dean goes. Because taking care of Sammy on the job trumps his fear of flying (and death by plane crash).
4. Sam helps Dean get control of himself (so he is not vulnerable to the demon)
Ok, I changed my mind. I love this episode. Because we get to see Dean being brave, when he is really scared. (Jenson does a fabulous job here). And to see the brothers working together so well.
Humor: My favorite part of the investigation into the passenger who was witnessed opening the emergency exit while the plane was in flight is the boys questioning his widow.
Sam “you were married to him, how long?”
Widow “13 years”
Sam “and in all that time did you ever notice anything …unusual about him? Anything out of the ordinary?”
Widow “well…..”(long pause while Dean and Sam exchange glances – here it comes…) “…he had acid reflux, if that’s what you mean.”
Yeah. That’s what they meant.
Series arc:
1. first appearance of the suits.
To get into the NTSB warehouse with the plane wreckage, Sam and Dean buy black suits (from “Mort’s for style”) to go with their fake ID’s and cover identities. Dean (scratching his shirt front uncomfortably) “Man, I look like one of the Blues Brothers.” Sam “No you don’t . You look more like a 7th grader at his first dance.” Dean “I hate this!”.
2. Technical skills – Dean uses an EMF meter (homemade from a busted up walkman). It identifies the emergency door handle, and later, the demon.
3. Technical knowledge – it has a residue of sulfur – indicating a demon. Also later they discuss that demons generally possess someone “with a chink in their armor” – addiction, emotional instability, etc.
4. First appearance of a demon – with completely black eyes.
4. Development as hunters – Sam looks up a ritual and the two of them use holy water and an exorcism to deal with the demon. First exorcism seen on the show.
Saved: 100 people on the plane, (plus any future victims of that demon, because they send it back to Hell permanently).
Closing scene – discussing the case leaning against the back of the Impala. They drive off – shot of license plate “KAS 2Y5” (Cas? To year 5? (Kripke had the series plotted out for 5 seasons))
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